Cacti SNMP Disk IO

Taken from here:

disk I/O is the place to start. There are 7 pages of discussions about things that work or dont work. It took me 5 days to get it working, so I try to make it shorter next time.

  1. check if your host even delivers snmp-DISKIO-data at all:

    snmpwalk -v1 -c COMMUNITYNAME  HOST-IP .

    should return a number of DISKIO-MIB-lines. If it does not you need to rebuild net-snmp with diskio-module. Modern ubuntus at least havediskio-module precompiled in their snmp-versions

  2. download diskio.tgz (all credits to gandalf and rodre in the above thread. I just put a copy of their work on my server.
  3. extract the archive
  4. put net-snmp_devio.xml to /usr/share/cacti/site/resource/snmp_queries/ or whereever your cacti-installation keeps its xml-query-files. (Its the same folder where net-snmp_disk.xml is located)
  5. import cacti_data_query_ucdnet_device_io.xml
  6. for each device you want to monitor diskIO you go to the device-menue and under “associated data-query” you choose and add the following data-query ucd/net Device I/O.
  7. still in the devive-menu you goto “create graphs for this host” and at the very bottom of the page !! you find all your devices and can select them and select graph-type (bytes read/write – average load – reads/writes) and create a load of graphs. If you have more then 20 devices then the next-button will help you to find the other ones 🙂
  8. wait 5 minutes to be sure the poller has already collected data before trying to view a graph or panicing on some debug-output that claims about missing rrd-files. They are created when the poller is executed first
  9. if things go wrong, then execute verbose query in the associcated data-queries-section of your device and same in other places like graph-managment and then read the 7 pages in the above mentioned link to possibly find your problem !!

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